Kotes of Kolor
Agency: Curro / Eichenbaum
Client: Kotes of Kolor
Title: “Original Ugliness”
Year: 1989
CD: Steve Eichenbaum
Writer: Mark Catterson, Steve Eichenbaum
AD: Rich Kohnke
After years of doing award-winning work for local and regional clients, the agency wanted to get into the automotive category. So, we made a few calls.
“Hello, Subaru. We’d like to …” CLICK. “Hello, Goodyear. We can help …” CLICK. “Hello, Rain Chief wiper blades …” CLICK.
Turned down at every juncture, we finally found a local auto body shop who actually wanted our help. The assignment didn’t pay well, but we did get a nice shiny pencil out of the job.
- One Show Gold